Fair&Smart Data Catalog

This is Fair & Smart Data Catalog Server (DCS).
It holds a schema repository and a semantic repository for public and private common data models.

API : api-doc

fs RegistryEntry Person label Person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry Person description A physical person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry firstName label First Name todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry firstName description First name of the person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry lastName label Last Name todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry lastName description Last name of the person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry middleNames label Middle names todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry middleNames description Middle names of the person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry brideName label Birth name todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry brideName description Birth name of the person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry birthDate label Birth Date todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry birthDate description Birth Date todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry birthPlace label Birth Place todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry birthPlace description The birth place of the person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry nationality label Nationality todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry nationality description Nationality of the person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry maritalStatus label Marital Status todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry maritalStatus description Marital status of the person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry civility label Civility todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry civility description Civility of the person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry relation label Relation todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry relation description Relation with the person todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry married label Married todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry single label Single todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry mister label Mr. todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry miss label Mrs. todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myself label Me todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry mother label Mother todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry father label Father todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry child label Child todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry friend label Friend todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry partner label Partner todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry Address label Address todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry Address description A physical address todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry city label City todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry city description The city todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry country label Country todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry country description The country todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry zipCode label Zip Code todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry zipCode description The city's zip code todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry line1 label Address line todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry line1 description The address line todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry line2 label Second address line todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry addressType label Address type todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry addressType description The address type todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry addressMain label Main home todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry addressSecond label Second home todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry addressTax label Fiscal residence todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry addressPro label Work address todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry addressOther label Other address todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry Contact label Contact todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry Contact description A contact todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry label label Field's label todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry label description A short name for the field todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry extension label Extension todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry extension description Country code extension todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry value label Field Value todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry value description The field value todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry contactType label Contact type todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry contactType description The contact type todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry contactPhone label Phone number todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry contactEmail label Email address todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry contactFax label Fax number todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry Pet label A pet todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry Pet description A pet todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry petType label Animal species todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry petType description The species of the animal todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry name label Name todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry name description The name todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry breed label Breed todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry breed description The animal's breed todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry gender label Gender todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry gender description The gender todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry male label Male todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry female label Female todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry identificationNumber label Identification number todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry identificationNumber description Pet's identification number todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry acquisitionDate label Acquisition date todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry acquisitionDate description Acquisition date of the pet todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry assuranceDate label Assured since todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry assuranceDate description Assurance issuance date todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry expiresAt label Expiration date todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry expiresAt description Assurance expiration date todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry deathDate label Date of death todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry deathDate description Date of death todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myFirstName label First Name todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myFirstName description Your first name todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myLastName label Last Name todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myLastName description Your last name todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myAddress label Address todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myAddress description Your postal address todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myBirthDate label Birth Date todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myBirthDate description Your birth date todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myBirthPlace label Birth place todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myBirthPlace description Your birth place todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry anyFile label A file todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry anyFile description Any file todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myID label ID document todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry myID description A valid ID todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry pacs label Civil Union todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry widow label Widow todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry cohabitation label Cohabitation todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry divorced label Divorced todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry socialNetwork label Social Network todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry mainEmail label Email todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry mainEmail description Your email todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry shareKey label Sharing key todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry IdDocument label ID document todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry IdDocument description An official document proving your identity todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry idDocumentType label Type of ID document todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry idDocumentType description The type of the id document todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry documentNumber label Document number todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry documentNumber description Document number todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry dateDelivered label Date delivered todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry dateDelivered description Date when the document was delivered todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry locationDelivered label Delivered at todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry locationDelivered description Location where the document was delivered todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry expiringDate label Date of expiration todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry expiringDate description Date when the document will no longer be valid todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry files label Files todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry files description Files todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry passport label Passport todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry idCard label ID Card todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry driverLicence label Driver's licence todo other languages
fs RegistryEntry other label Others todo other languages
fs Schema LaissePasserA38 label Give Way A38 todo other languages
fs Schema LaissePasserA38 description The give way A38! todo other languages
fs SchemaEntry cff50c37-73b0-411b-b862-f4f71a871937 label First Name todo other languages
fs SchemaEntry 02cb82d6-5ad7-4154-969f-a33b64ff13f6 label Last Name todo other languages
fs SchemaEntry e6577681-cf5d-489b-a233-4c03c9088ced label Birth Date todo other languages
fs SchemaEntry 261ac9dc-c10d-4af7-9e5e-a73a380e84d5 label Address todo other languages
fs SchemaEntry 3b37607d-6244-4167-be35-2f76a52575b4 label Email todo other languages